article submit of earn guest post
আর্টিকেল Writing এর সব গোপন কথা ফাঁস, আর্টিকেল লিখে ইনকাম করুন সহজেই ।
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অনলাইনএ ইনকাম করার সব থেকে সহজ উপায় আর্টিকেল রাইটিং । আর্টিকেল লিখার একটি সহজ সিস্টেম-
•              ১. Google অথবা যে কোন Article Directory থেকে আপনার যে subject এর উপর article লিখতে হবে সেই রকম একটা সুন্দর Article কপি করে নিন ।
•              ২. Microsoft Office থেকে MS Word Open করুন, সরাসরি Paste করবেন না, Paste এ যান আর Paste Special Select করুন, Paste Special থেকে Unformatted Text Select করুন, Ok button Press করুন ।
•              ৩. আর্টিকেল এ Sentence এর word নীচে লাল দাগ বা অন্য কোন দাগ থাকলে বুজবেন Sentence এ কোন ভুল আছে ।
•              ৪. Word এর নীচে যদি লাল দাগ থাকে তবে বুজবেন Word টি ভুল, এবার Word এর উপর Mouse এর Cursor নিয়ে Right Button Press করুন আর Word টি correct করুন ।
•              ৫. Sentence এর নীচে যদি এরকম কোন সবুজ দাগ থাকে তবে বুজবেন Sentence টি সম্পূর্ণ না । নিজে থেকে Sentence টি correct করুন অথবা ৪ নম্বর নিয়ম Follow করুন ।
•              ৬. Keyword গুলোর মাঝে কোন Space রাখবেন না, যেমন (Search engine optimization টাকে আমরা Searchengineoptimization করব)
•              ৭. এবার Grammatical ভুল গুলো ঠিক করবো, একটা সফটওয়্যার ডাউনলোড করে নিন এখান থেকে, আপনি ২ দিনের trial ব্যবহার করতে পারেন বা কিনতে পারেন । সফটওয়্যার টির দাম ৯0$
•              ৮. সফটওয়্যার টি install করে MS Word Open করুন আর গ্রামার ঠিক করুন ।
•              ৯. গ্রামার ঠিক করা হলে এই আর্টিকেল টি কে এই খানে কপি করে পেস্ট করবো আর নীচের অপশন থেকে Best Spin Every Other Word সিলেক্ট করে দেব ।
•              ১০. এবার স্পিন করা আর্টিকেল টির আবার Grammatical ভুল ঠিক করবো ।
•              ১১. হয়ে গেল আপনার আর্টিকেল লেখা। তবে সফটওয়্যার দিয়ে আর্টিকেল লিখলে আর্টিকেল এর মানে ঠিক থাকে না । আর্টিকেল স্পিন করার পর আপনাকে এই ব্যাপারে খেয়াল রাখতে হবে । আর এই ভাবে আপনি ১০০% UNIQUE আর্টিকেল লিখতে পারবেন বলে আশা করি ।
•              ১২. তবে আপনি যদি Killer Article লিখতে চান তবে আপনাকে আর এক্তু বেশী কষ্ট করতে হবে ।

13 Websites that pay $100 per Guest Post
Note: Getting accepted for a paid gig is not easy. If you’ve faith in your writing skills, try them. Click on the links to directly visit their submission guidelines page.
Here you go:
Niche – General; Pays – $100
It is a multi-niche site that publishes content on various sectors. They pay $100 for content written exclusively for them and $50 per syndicated post. If you have a blog, try the syndication feature as well.
Niche – Blogging | Online Publishing; Pays – $100-$250
Apart from being a marvelous content publishing networking bringing advertisers and bloggers together, the Post Joint blog accepts paid guest posts and the pay is between $100 and $250.
Niche – General; Pays – $100+
Like The Motley Fool Network, Salon is a hugely popular website covering daily news on multiple segments like entertainment, business, technology and politics.
Make sure to follow their guidelines perfectly. They don’t advertise the cost per submission but they pay more than $100. It depends on your content quality and relevance.
Niche – Technology; Pays – $100
If you’re someone who can write in-depth tutorials on Flash, Java, PHP, MySQL, ASP, CSS, AJAX and other tech concepts, check out this site. They entertain tutorials and list-based posts only.
Niche – Technology; Pays – $100
UX Booth pays guest authors $100 to write about designing and its usability. They are quite picky and will take around 3-4 weeks to make the submission live.
If the contribution idea is selected, you will be paired with their staff editor to collaborate during the whole writing process.
Niche – General; Pays – $100
This is again a multi-niche blog publishing only “list-based” posts. Write unique top-10 or more 1000+ worded lists about anything and get it published on ListVerse.
Niche – Blogging | Online Marketing; Pays – $100
The owner Darnell Jackson pays $100 per published submission on business. You need to write in-depth articles or even interview a prominent figure in the business niche and get it published on his blog.
Niche – Technology; Pays – $250
This is a site dedicated as a resource for IT professionals. The site encourages field notes, how-to’s, guidelines, tutorials and other content suitable for a vast IT readership.
With a base fee of $0.25 cents per word and a minimum requirement of 1000 words per accepted submission, you can earn a minimum of $250 every time.
Niche – Lifestyle; Pays – $300+
The Eco journal of the University of Minnesota welcomes freelance writers and bloggers to pitch ideas. Read their current issue to understand the kind of topics they cover and the accepted writing level. The pay is $1 per word.
Niche – News; Pays – $100
The online magazine covers media and digital news about current economy, budgets, healthcare and other issues. Write to their editor pitching a story idea and hope for the best!
Niche – Travel; Pays – $100
This is a popular travel site which pays $100 upfront for publishing your self-guided tour itineraries. You need to check out their list of cities they want to cover. The itinerary should be a detailed guide about sights and attractions, maps and other things helpful to a tourist.
Niche – Design; Pays – $200
An amazing site on design with truly stellar content, they pay $200 for accepted submissions which range between 1500 and 2000 words. Getting published there isn’t easy so make sure to read and adhere each of their submission criteria.
Niche – Design; Pays – $150-$300
If you know Photoshop like the back of your hand, write an in-depth tutorial and get it published on this site. They are looking for step-by-step detailed tutorials with lots of illustrated images. Pitch them an idea before beginning.
If you don’t want to write a tutorial, you can send them ‘tips’ and get paid $50.
Increase Chances of getting Accepted
Have you checked out the listed sites already?
So, did you notice the kind of published content quality? I am sure you have and it won’t be surprising if you’re right now feeling “Duh! I’m never gonna be selected”.
It is normal to feel like this but don’t give up too soon.
Read my tips to get accepted for high paying gigs. If properly followed, you will get opportunities to write on them repeatedly and not only once.
If not these sites, it will help you land up on other high paying writing assignments.
(1) Make the right ‘pitch’ impression.
A lot depends on the way you pitch them ideas. Crafting a well written email is a must. Your professionalism shows there.
Don’t write like you’re addressing a friend. Write like you mean business and you should. Show expertise and excellent writing samples in the intended niche.
(2) Don’t be nagging.
Most of the popular publications take weeks to make any submission live. They will give priority to what their in-house staff writers are writing.
Moreover, the websites mention the kind of time it is going to take to make it live. Is there any point in sending follow-up emails every few days? No.
So, don’t nag them.
(3) Work with the team.
Sometimes you will be asked to work with their in-house editor or manager while crafting the content.
While I understand that this takes time and you would like to use that time else and earn, think it this way. If you get this submission right and approved, there will more chances of paid posts coming from them, right?
So, what’s the big deal if you have to spend some hours more collaborating with their team?
(4) Follow the format.
Most of the submission guidelines mention the post format in detail – the use of header tags, number of images, indentation, quotes, medium of submission and other minor details.
It is important to follow the given format. Disregard of these details can often lead to rejection.
I hope you will be able to utilize the list. Follow the above four success tips and you will be all set.

If you know of other sites paying $100+ per content submission, share via the comments section.


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